My Life Goals List

My Life Goals List

This is going to be a bit personal, but I'm trying something new here.

After reading the post, "Warren Buffett's 5/25 Rule Will Help You Focus On The Things That Matter," I decided to write down some of my own, big life goals. No, not just big, epic even. Things that I feel might be impossible right now, but I know they're totally achievable.

I just need to focus and get it done.

The list

Here's my list of personal life goals at the time of this writing, and in no particular order, per se.

  1. Be debt free 💰
  2. Buy a house 🏡
  3. Lose ~30 pounds 😎
  4. Write a web accessibility book 📘
  5. Travel somewhere off continent 🗺
  6. Make Shopify accessible for all 💪
  7. Go on a snowboard trip with family/friends 🏂
  8. Teach accessibility workshops at Shopify, HackerYou, and Canada Learning Code 💻
  9. Scan all family photos and get home videos converted to digital 📸
  10. Buy all movies, books, and games on my wishlist(s) 🛍
  11. Get back into playing music 🥁
  12. Get a puppy 🐶
  13. Get married… 😅
  14. Retire at 50 🏖
  15. Complete other ToDo lists ✅

How achievable are these?

Like I said, I know these items are achievable and believe them to be quite realistic. And to be honest, most are already "underway" of being complete. It's just time consuming as other daily tasks take focus priority.

It'll be interesting to revisit this, say, 5 years from now and see if 1) I've actually accomplished any of them, or 2) if my goals have changed at all. Only time will tell.

How do you feel about these types of lists? Are they helpful in achieving your big, life goals? How do you set time aside to focus on these massive tasks? I'd like to hear from you. 🙂

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